

Welcome to our changelog! This page provides a summary of all the updates, enhancements, and bug fixes we've made to our platform. We believe in transparency and want to keep you informed about the latest changes.

How to Read the Changelog

  1. Reverse Chronological Order: We organize our changelog entries in reverse chronological order. This means that the most recent updates appear at the top, followed by older ones. You’ll always find the latest information right at the beginning.

  2. Grouped Updates: Each release is grouped together with its relevant changes. We categorize updates into sections such as “New Features,” “Bug Fixes,” and “Enhancements.” This helps you quickly find the information you’re interested in.

  3. Concise Entries: We keep our changelog entries brief and straightforward. You’ll get a concise overview of what’s new without overwhelming technical details.

  4. Formatting: Our changelog is well-formatted for easy readability. We include version numbers, release dates, and clear descriptions of the changes.

  5. Additional Context: Sometimes, we provide additional context or explanations for specific updates. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

  6. Visibility: This page is exclusively accessible to distributors and BDM Network end users. Distributor end users do not have access to links for Changelogs or the Report a Bug form

Stay Updated

We recommend checking this page regularly to stay informed about our product’s evolution. If you have any feedback or suggestions, don’t hesitate to share them with us!

Version 1.2.4 (6.9.2024) - Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where users could see incorrect notifications for exported releases.

Version 1.2.5 (15.8.2024) - New Features

  • We have implemented a new feature that allows end-users to import releases from Spotify. This feature simplifies the process of transferring releases from one distributor to another. Users only need to provide the Spotify album URL, and we will automatically retrieve all metadata for that release directly from Spotify.

Version 1.2.5 (15.8.2024) - New Features

  • Added options for distributors using subscription-based plans with their end users. Distributors can now limit end users by release count and staff member count and set billing periods for end users (Premium and Enterprise Plans). 
  • We've introduced a new Branding option for distributors. This feature allows you to customize the emails sent to your end users by personalizing several design elements. Now, you can modify the background and accent colours, as well as the heading text and text colours, to align with your brand's visual identity with a real-time preview of your design.

Version 1.2.6 (15.8.2024) - New Features

  • Added options to assign Spotify URI, Apple Music ID, Facebook ID, and Instagram ID when creating artists. This feature connects artists with their releases on those services, making it easier to link your music to all your profiles/pages.
  • Added options to assign Spotify URI, Apple Music ID, Facebook ID, and Instagram ID to contributors. This feature ensures that contributor details are sent to DSPs.

Version 1.2.7 (1.8.2024) - New Features (Coming in next update)

  • AI-Generated Track Detection: We’ve integrated a third-party service that allows distributors to scan tracks and verify if they are AI-generated. Please note that distributors will need to obtain their own API credentials for this service and configure them in Settings -> Integrations.

Version 1.2.4 (20.7.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue with payment processing when initiated by staff members.

Version 1.2.3 (20.7.2024) - Upgrades

  • Security Enhancement: Strengthened the security of our API for increased robustness and protection.
  • Introduced Changelogs and a Report a Bug form for distributors to monitor platform progress and report issues.
  • Implemented real-time account counters for label users.

Version 1.2.2 (18.7.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Resolved the issue where the smart link was showing unavailable even if the songs were live on the stores.

Version 1.2.1 (14.7.2024) - New Features

  • Added the option to reupload audio files only. End users can now modify audio tracks without affecting metadata. This feature allows faster issue resolution for tracks that were previously rejected by the distributor or BDM.
  • Added a status indicating that a release has been updated. This enhancement allows distributors and end users to quickly identify whether a previously rejected release has been edited before resubmitting it for approval, preventing unnecessary re-submissions without modifications.
  • Added a feature to help distributors protect their business from artists who distribute music without proper rights. Distributors now have the option to reject songs due to potential copyright infringements. If an end-user has four releases rejected for copyright issues, they will be automatically banned. We maintain a database of these users to prevent account creation by other distributors using our service.

Version 1.2.0 (14.7.2024) - Upgrades

  • Chat Upgrade: You can now use Shift + Enter to write in a new line, and we’ve implemented real-time chat message notifications.
  • Payments Upgrade: We’ve implemented a real-time counter for payment requests.

Version 1.1.9 (12.7.2024) - New Features

  • Chat Message Notifications: Added notifications to the sidebar for chat messages, ensuring timely responses.
  • Payment Request Alerts: Distributors now receive notifications in the sidebar when users request payments, helping them stay up-to-date with end-user requirements.
  • Added changelogs and a bug report form to the sidebar, ensuring that distributors stay informed about new features and bug fixes. The changelogs are not visible to end users.

Version 1.1.8 (12.7.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Resolved the issue where users were seeing incorrect branding in emails.

Version 1.1.7 (11.7.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the branding was not displaying correctly on the login page.

Version 1.1.6 (9.7.2024) - New Features

  • Added new validation to the new release page. The platform now checks release titles to ensure they are not all in uppercase.
  • Added new validation to the new release page, the platform now verifies artwork resolution, requiring it to be 3000 x 3000 pixels; otherwise, an error is displayed.

Version 1.1.6 (9.7.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where staff accounts couldn’t interact with the task list.
  • Fixed an issue where users encountered a ‘failed to fetch’ error when selecting a song with no analytics data.
  • Fixed an issue where users were incorrectly shown that a release had been published upon creation, instead of indicating that the release had been created.
  • Fixed the issue when release takedown was initiated but the release artwork was not showing
  • Resolved issue where the ‘Mark as Read’ button displayed an error message, even though it was functioning correctly.
  • Fixed issue where incorrect years were displayed in the dates.

Version 1.1.5 (4.7.2024) - New Features

  • Implemented an "Under Maintenance" page, allowing users to be informed when we are actively working on the platform.

Version 1.1.5 (4.7.2024) - Upgrades

  • Infrastructure Upgrade: Enhanced platform performance for smoother navigation.

Version 1.1.4 (18.6.2024) - New Features

  • Added an 'Instrumental-Only Track' option for releases. Selecting this will bypass the requirements for adding lyrics and explicit content details in track information, streamlining the submission process.

Version 1.1.3 (14.6.2024) - Bug fixes

  •  Corrected an issue with the VAT graph; it now accurately displays information in real-time, enhancing data visualization for users.

Version 1.1.2 (14.6.2024) - Upgrades

  • Revamped the 'Total Users', 'Verified Users', 'Unverified Users' and 'Suspended Users' cards to dynamically update in real-time, complete with smooth animations for a more engaging user experience.
  • Animations have been refined to operate at a slower pace, ensuring a smoother visual experience for end users.

Version 1.1.1 (13.6.2024) - Upgrades

  • Revamped the 'Total Balance' and 'Payment Pending' cards to dynamically update in real-time, complete with smooth animations for a more engaging user experience.

Version 1.1.0 (12.6.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the display of Global User Analytics, ensuring all users have access to comprehensive data insights.

Version 1.1 (11.6.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Addressed a login issue on mobile browsers, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted access experience for all users.

Version 1.0.9 (11.6.2024) - Upgrades

  • Enhanced the Complete Profile System: The profile completion wizard now displays for a brief 5-second interval before automatically closing, streamlining the user's onboarding experience.

Version 1.0.8 (6.6.2024) - New Features

  • Introduced a 'Complete Profile Wizard' to access the dashboard. This feature ensures that users have filled out all the required profile information. The dashboard will remain locked until the necessary details are provided.

Version 1.0.7 (5.6.2024) - New Features

  • Improved release details page
  • Added an option on the New Release page that allows end users to create new artists directly from the Primary Artists field.

Version 1.0.6 (5.6.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug on the contract review page where downloaded contracts lacked file extensions and couldn’t be opened.
  • Simplified the “Status History” page for improved usability.
  • Resolved an issue where users had to click the logout button twice to successfully log out.
  • Addressed the issue of “Invalid Date” appearing on multiple pages
  • Adjusted income calculations to display values with two decimal places.
  • Resolved the issue where end users could create Smart Links before the release date.
  • Resolved the issue on the New Release page where users could change song names in the track list after uploading an album
  • Resolved issues related to editing releases and tracks.

Version 1.0.5 (3.6.2024) - Upgrades

  • Upgraded Notification System: Implemented real-time functionality to our existing notification system, allowing users to receive instant updates and stay informed of all activities as they happen.
  • Implemented a drag-and-drop function for tracks, artworks, and copyright scans to improve user experience.

Version 1.0.4 (1.6.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where user balances were not calculating correctly
  • Enhanced the notification system for improved reliability and user engagement.
  • Upgraded Notification System: Implemented real-time functionality to our existing notification framework, allowing users to receive instant updates and stay informed of all activities as they happen.

Version 1.0.4 (1.6.2024) - New Features

  • Introduced Notification system: Users can now conveniently view all their notifications in one centralized location, enhancing accessibility and user experience.

Version 1.0.3 (31.05.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the support chat occasionally failed to send messages in real-time.
  • Addressed desktop and mobile design inconsistencies.
  • Corrected the artist filter functionality on the catalog page.
  • Improved Task List functionality: Conducted a thorough review and optimization of the Task List feature to ensure seamless performance and user interaction.

Version 1.0.3 (30.05.2024) - New Features

  • Introduced a dedicated track analytics feature that includes a graph displaying raw earnings data from selected tracks. This feature shows confirmed sales data before any distributor cuts are applied, providing a clear view of actual earnings.
  • Updated the Task List: Task statuses are now synchronized and updated in real-time.

Version 1.0.3 (30.05.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Fixed the analytics loading problem.
  • Improved the speed of the analytics page.
  • Fixed analytics filtration.
  • Fixed catalog filtration.

Version 1.0.4 (29.05.2024) - New Features

  • Introduced a new feature allowing tracks to copy release details.
  • Added animation to counters.
  • Added real-time status changes to elements on the frontend.
  • Added a function that allows users to rearrange album tracks by moving them on the tracks page.

Version 1.0.3 (29.05.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Fixed catalogue counters.
  • Fixed the album upload function.
  • Fixed an error where users who did not create a label before the first release encountered an error: "Can't fetch stores" on the last step of release creation.
  • Fixed typos on the release details page.
  • Fixed typos on the new release page.

Version 1.0.2 (28.05.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Enhanced the security of 2-factor authentication.
  • Resolved issues with the password reset functionality.
  • Improved smart link integrations for a better user experience.
  • Corrected pagination errors to ensure smooth navigation.
  • Introduced a new feature allowing tracks to copy release details.
  • Addressed a visibility issue to restrict viewing of contributors to authorized personnel only.
  • Fixed a bug that showed the 2-factor authentication input field on every login, even if the user does not use 2FA.

Version 1.0.1 (27.05.2024) - Bug fixes

  • Fixed copyright check on the dashboard homepage.
  • Fixed copyright check on the new release page.
  • Resolved the issue where releases awaiting approval displayed negative values.
  • Fixed the branding page.
  • Fixed the catalogue number generation function.

Version 1.0.0 (25.05.2024) - Initial Release

  • Added core functionality.
  • Implemented basic features.
  • Fixed minor bugs.